That’s a Wrap! A Look Back at 2022
It’s a new year full of possibilities. Don’t you love it? We do, too. Every year around this time, we reflect on what we accomplished and what our hopes are for the future. We do this as individuals but also for the company—and what a year did we have! This past year was chockfull of new releases. We even updated our look. Here is a look back at all that FVITH did in 2022.
This sassy femme fatale fragrance was an instant hit. We call it the ultimate glow-up because it makes us feel empowered on the inhale—ready for change. That moment when you’re done mourning a past relationship and wake up ready to seize the day or reinvent yourself in your latest chapter in life is the best feeling. Ex Lover captures it so perfectly. We launched with the candle and dropped the bestselling roll-on months later (which is keeps selling

This is poetry in motion, the intersection of scent and literary song. We wanted to come out with a modern traditional rose scent to balance out the darker tones of our signature Black Rose. What we came up with was a more layered bouquet with jasmine, rose, tangerine, clove and amber. Inspired by the goddess of flowers in Greek mythology, Khloris made our spring lush, and we hope brighter for those who reached for her. Available in our noir candle.
Daddy, I’d like to… Forget about all the bad things from last year! (Just kidding. We know you know what it means.) DILF was our way of balancing the parental thirst. MILF continues to be one of the most popular candles FVITH has, and we wanted to celebrate all the hot dads (and hot dad lovers) out there, too. A blend of tobacco leaf, Madagascar vanilla, wood sap, cocoa, gonna bean and dried fruit makes this daddy fire worthy of its name. Available in our candle and roll-on.
This is our most popular best kept secret. Paradox didn’t get the attention we wanted it to, but that’s because we came out with so much around its drop! It was battling it out with an entire new look. Rebrands always steal the show. Still, ask anyone on our team what their favorite sleeping giant is, and they’ll say Paradox. Once it makes its entrance, it’ll be among our top sellers. It smells too good not to be. Help us give it the spotlight it deserves this year. Revisit the wonder that is Paradox.
FVITH diffusers had been in the making for some time. We wanted this collection to exemplify our beliefs that fragrance is an experience that rests on more than smell. Sight is part of it. That’s why we take so much care sourcing our vessels and designing our look. The result was everything we’d hoped. Our diffusers are a pleasure to display, like a work of art that serves a function purpose. Currently, they come in Hollywood Hills, Haven, Black Rose, and Knighten. Stay turned for new additions this year!
You asked. (And asked some more!) We delivered. Our Hollywood Hills roll-on would not exist if not for our loyal customers requesting it. In fact, this SKU is without a doubt the first product in our catalog 100% dictated by the wants of our loyal FVITH base. Thank you for the requests and continued Hollywood Hills love! You were right. This fragrance was meant to be worn. Our roll-on version is fire. Grab yours here and don’t hesitate to let us know which other FVITH fragrances you’d like to see in our body collection! We really do take your requests to heart. Find us on social or contact us here.
Are you tired yet? So are we. Wow. We really can’t believe we released so much this year. That’s not all, of course. We went through a major branding update! We went from white to black labeling and boxes and updated our designs. We are still transitioning our inventory but the response and support has been amazing. We are truly loving the new

With all that movement came our best numbers since opening. FVITH has steadily grown since its launch and we couldn’t have done it without all of you. Thank you for supporting our journey. We hope each and every one of you has a brilliant 2023!